Author: Lam, Wai
Title: Evaluation of the effective usage of electronic document management system (EDMS)
Degree: M.B.A.
Year: 2002
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Document imaging systems
Business records -- Management -- Data processing
Information storage and retrieval systems -- Business
Department: Department of Management
Pages: vi, 54 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: EDMS is getting popular in Hong Kong, and previous researchers only focused on a single issue or one level, for example, technical operation or business activity enhancement. In order to have an all-round study, three levels of corporate, Senior Management, Middle Management and Technical Operation, from two hundred companies, were selected to evaluate the effective usage of their existing EDMS. Three areas with fourteen aspects were employed to evaluate the system. The covered areas are corporate competitiveness, business operation and technical operation. Descriptive analyses were applied to this research project. It was found that four popular EDMS softwares were being used, they are Microsoft SQL, OnBase, JetForm and Tailor-made package. The respondents identified sixteen strengths and nineteen weaknesses. Most of the senior management agree that the EDMS could improve the corporate networking and compressed the customer enquiry process and thus increase the business opportunities. On the other hand, the internal communication enhancement, business activities enhancement and the top management active participation were the three major issues concerned by the middle management. It was recommended that internal communication and business activities enhancement would be improved by a push technology whereby information was automatically pushed to the user without his active intervention where his input was required. Moreover a routine reporting would activate the top management participation. Furthermore, the technical operation staff reflected that long retrieval time, unstable system, ambiguous operation instruction, and lack of technical support would adversely affect the effective usage of EDMS. In response to these, several managerial recommendations were made. Apart from that it was found that the precession from senior management for the impact of using EDMS on the external business relationship was significantly correlated with the precession from middle management for the impact of top management support on implementing of EDMS, owing to the enhancement of corporate competitive advantage. Besides, the precession from technical operation staff for the data input function was significantly correlated with precession from senior management on external business relationship and precession from middle management on top management support, respectively, regarding to the increasing capability of storing different formats of information.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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