Author: He, Hua
Title: A service model development for university education : a case study at Xidian University
Advisors: Shiu, Simon C. K. (COMP)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2015
Subject: Education, Higher -- China -- Case studies.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: xii, 135 pages : illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: In nearly a few years the emerging discipline of service science as a starting point, for education quality problem existing in the current higher education in China, using scientific service theory and innovation tools are deeply analyzed. The service attribute of university education is studied, and the core concept of higher education service is established, which takes the students as the center of the service and the logic of the service and the value creation theory. The model of higher education service ecosystem is established based on the method of service science. Based on the concrete practice of Xidian University, the development and innovation of the service mode of the micro and macro aspects are studied. Finally, for the problem of "Information Island" in the information construction of the University, the integrated solution of the legacy system of the service oriented architecture (SOA) is proposed. According to the actual condition of the selected topic, this research mainly resorts to literature research, theoretical research, interview survey, and case study methods. To analyze and research the function and the nature of the university, the core function of the university is the teaching (personnel training), the nature of the university is to promote the full development of human. Comb the new Chinese model of Higher Education Law of development, from the macro and micro level analysis the Chinese higher education from "elite education" to "popular education" in the transition period. Standing in the service of science perspective, analysed the service attributes of university education, established the model of higher education ecosystem services, created a philosophy of education to take the student as the centre of the value of teachers and management. Analysed the input and output model of higher education based on unified service theory (UST) and revealed the importance of the input of taking students as the customers. To sum up, introduce service science into the field of higher education, and explore the educational mode of the university to cultivate the creative talents, improve the quality of higher education, and promote the sustainable development of students, teachers and university. Refine your search in China's most authoritative academic resources database platform, the results show that the application of emerging service science education in China is less and less, of them only a few are also introductory presentation. The concept of service science is introduced into the field of higher education in China, which is a new and meaningful exploration. This is the most important innovation point of this research.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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