Author: Sheng, Shiyu
Title: Sound transmission across plenum windows with non-parallel glass panes
Advisors: Tang, S. K. (BSE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2015
Subject: Windows -- Acoustic properties.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: xi, 75 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: With the continuous development of economy and the progress of the society, urban construction has been built so that the density of cities has been increasing. Hong Kong could be as a typical example of the densely populated city with over 7 million people living, while 85% of land is hilly area. Like many developed cities, Hong Kong is facing serious traffic noise pollution, which could be a serious threat to normal life of resident. Noise pollution is paid serious attention by the government, while many scholars have studied how to control noise effectively. But in the past researches, some prevention and control measures have lots of disadvantages. For example, noise barriers could lead to the space more congest. In addition, some redesign of room structure would be adverse for natural ventilation. The urgent task is to find a way, which can alleviate noise annoyance effectively to people, at the same time it can guarantee that natural ventilation keeps in a good standard. A new design called plenum windows modified by Tong and Tang [3] has been used at PolyU Homantin Hostel Halls of Residence, which can solve the problems of noise effectively under the demand of satisfactory building environment standard.The aim of this paper is to investigate the sound transmission across plenum windows with non-parallel glass panes based on Tong and Tang's [3] study. Total three variables have been used in this experiment. They were opening window sizes (1/2H, 1/3H, 1/4H), tilt angles of plenum windows(-5°,0°,+5°) and noise source distances (0.5m,1m,1.5m,2m,2.5m,3m) respectively. A 1:4 scaled model was set up to measure test data.13 microphones received the noise generated from the speakers to record SPL, which could used to calculate noise reduction and insertion loss to estimate the acoustical performance. To sum up, direction scenarios(both +5 degree and -5 degree)will increase the value of IL comparing no tilting case(0 degree) when the opening window size is not very small. Small window size test (1/4H) showed a satisfactory performance on noise isolation in most cases. With distances between the model and noise source enlarging, the insertion loss showed a declining trend. However, due to some space and time limitation some other important parameters had been not taken into account in this experiment, such as size of plenum windows, the orientation of noise source and location floor of building. The limitations and errors of this experiment will be further optimized in next study.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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