Author: Zeng, Jiaqi
Title: An experimental study on water efficiency of selected kitchen appliance
Advisors: Wong, L. T. (BSE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2015
Subject: Faucets.
Kitchens -- Equipment and supplies.
Water conservation.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: vii, 74 pages, 125 unnumbered pages : illustrations (some color)
Language: English
Abstract: Hong Kong is essentially a city of water shortage because of natural cause.With the increase of population and the development of industrialization,this issue is becoming more and more urgent.Various methods concerning water conservation have been taken by the government and people to remit and even overcome this problem.Since water used in the kitchen occupies large portion of domestic water usage and a majority of this usage is for dishwashing.The optimization of water condition in the kitchen is considered as an efficient and effective way.This dissertation used two methods questionnaire and experiment separately,to present an evaluation of two types of faucets in the kitchen.In the questionnaire,basic information like age,sex,occupation,are collected from subjects.In the experiment,two different types of water faucet are tested and key quantitative aspects, such as water pressure, flow rate, time of duration and water consumption are studied.Subjects are surveyed as to the comfort of each faucet type and these survey results will be compared to the flow rate and water pressure of each faucet.As a result,the relatively better type of faucet,flow rate and water pressure in the kitchen which maximize both water efficiency and consumer comfort level were determined.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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