Author: Huang, Wenjie
Title: A campus navigation and enquiry system based on jQuery mobile
Advisors: Shi, Wen-zhong John (LSGI)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2015
Subject: Geographic information systems.
Mobile computing.
Application software.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Construction and Environment
Pages: 69 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Campus Navigation and Enquiry System aims at extending the campus map function module of current iPolyU app, using mobile web GIS to enhance the information query and navigation function with 2D photos and 3D panorama images. The existing iPolyU app enables the user to find the specific room on campus map according to the room number entered by the user. This function just gives the location on the map, but fails to guide the user there. Though PolyU campus is not very large, the similar style and intensive and three-dimensional buildings can easily confuse the students in finding their destinations. Therefore, if the app is able to show the route from user's current location (an origin location) to the specific room with photos and panorama images, it will be a great help and save the students and teachers' time greatly. Besides, to facilitate students' study and life on campus, information about facilities together with the location on campus map should be provided as well, for instance, banks, canteens, store, clinics, sports facility, building, core place, lecture theatre, etc. Based on the requirements mentioned above, the system is put forward as the first campus information query and image-based navigation system in Hong Kong. With the function module combined with iPolyU app, the students can easily find the information and location of specific facility, and obtain the navigation route with series of photos and panorama images by after inputting the origin and destination.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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