Author: Ouyang, Shanlan
Title: Analysis of wind environment and thermal environment using CFD technology, a study in Harbor City and Mongkok district
Advisors: Wong, Man Sing (LSGI)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2015
Subject: Buildings -- Aerodynamics.
Computational fluid dynamics.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Construction and Environment
Pages: ix, 65 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: This study has two objectives to state. The first one is to simulate the wind environment of the whole Kowloon peninsula via the Autodesk Ecotect Analysis 2011, where a district with a large amount of alignment of high-rise-buildings, then analyze and display the results by CFD technology, finally compare part of the results to the computing consequences from ENVI-met; the second one is making comparison between the computational results of temperature which was simulated and calculated by ENVI-met to the thermal Figure from satellite. The research method applied the numerical algorithm of computational fluid dynamics (CFD - VWinAir4 and ENVI-met) to simulate the steady-state wind field and thermal field in the typical urban environment with relatively high HII (heat island index) value, Kowloon Peninsula. According to the comparison between the calculation results derived from two software and that of the difference between ENVI-met and thermal image, the analysis would be presented. This study concluded that the ENVI-met has more detailed results illustrations that Ecotect and Winair4 in terms of visual comparison. What is more, the comparison consequences and reasons analysis between ENVI-met and thermal image ware also provided. Moreover, this study conducted three greening plans in accordance with three patterns of planting vegetations. Then the contrast was made between these models and analysis results. Finally the conclusion was made that greening on regions uniformly is able to bring the best cooling effects than other plans.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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