Author: Xie, Fei
Title: Cadastral geodatabase design considering vertical and temporal dimension and city visualization in CityEngine
Advisors: Shi, Wenzhong John (LSGI)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2015
Subject: Three-dimensional display systems.
Geographic information systems.
Virtual reality.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Construction and Environment
Pages: xvi, 98 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: It's generally recognized that spatial third dimension of Z-value and forth temporal dimension is further trend in terms of no matter database model or visualization in virtual reality. In recent decades, researches and investigations on the third dimension and temporal dimension have been conducted, as well, various achievements have been produced and published. This dissertation pays most attention to practical aspects of the third dimension and temporal dimension, mostly implemented by programming including Python, Structured Query Language and CityEngine Computer Generated Architecture rule. To be detailed, this dissertation can be separated into 2 parts. The first part majorly concerns spatial and temporal cadastral database modeling of Macau. Spatially, only one of the Third-Z value as building height is investigated in the cadastral database model which is currently so-called 2.5 dimension. Going further, the model is implemented in PostgreSQL for data storage, utilizing ArcSDE as spatial data engine for connecting, accessing and extracting spatial information. By the way, a building classification method and FID (a building unique identification serial number for better government administration) re-construction regulation are also proposed for Cartography and Cadastre Bureau of Macau's practical user requirements. Temporally, building related temporal data is disposed as attribute information and filled into corresponding columns including building time, completed time, discarded time and demolished time. With respect to database maintenance, a trigger programming using Structured Query Language is coded to detect all operations executed inside the database and then relevant operation information will be recorded into log database. In second part, virtual reality of the whole city of Macau, majorly interested in building and street, is automatically visualized with python scripting and Computer Generated Architecture within CityEngine based on previously modeled database. During the visualization procedure, the theory of Level of Details is also applied of which LOD1 represents basic building geometry by simple extrusion by height, LOD2 delineates the geometrically accurate roof and rendered walls and LOD3 further modeled the detailed building floors, doors and windows with three-dimensional frame. As well, temporal city transition is also implemented to illustrate the dynamic building changes according to its temporal data. So far, several targets are accomplished. Still some recommendations are listed for your reference at the end of the dissertation.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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