Author: Yin, Ching Yuen Christopher
Title: Impact of logo color diversity on consumer judgment and preference
Advisors: Jiang, Yuwei (MM)
Degree: D.B.A.
Year: 2015
Subject: Logos (Symbols) -- Design.
Color in design.
Color -- Psychological aspects.
Branding (Marketing)
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Business
Pages: 75 pages : color illustrations ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Color is one of the most important elements to be considered when designing a brand logo in addition to the image, shape, and size of the logo. Does the number of colors used in logos affect the way companies, products, and services are perceived? How does color affect a consumer's perception of product variety and business diversity? Does this perception change when consumers have specific consumption goals in mind? Will the product characteristics change a consumer's brand perception? The current thesis attempts to answer these questions in hopes of gaining insight about the impact of logo color diversity on consumer preference. Four laboratory experiments were designed to test the hypotheses and the underlying mechanism. The results of the current thesis research contribute theoretically to the marketing and design literature, as well as managerially to marketers' and designers' understanding of color usage in forming consumer preferences.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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