Author: Wang, Xin
Title: Profiled feature based micro-scaled sheet forming for fabrication of micro-scaled structural parts in automobile industry
Advisors: Fu, M. W. (ME)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2016
Subject: Automobiles -- Materials.
Automobiles -- Design and construction.
Light metal alloys.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Pages: xii, 98 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: In the design and manufacturing of a vehicle, lightweighting is a challenging task due to all the performance targets that must be satisfied such as vehicle safety and ride quality. With a lightweight vehicle, the overall performance and energy conservation can be improved. Generally speaking, in automobile industry, the most common way is to improve the structure design and using new material. With the development of pure electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles, more and more lightweight parts and micro-scaled parts are required in automobile industry. In automobile industry, metal sheet forming is one of the most common and economical manufacturing process, compared with other processing methods, sheet metal forming has an irreplaceable position. Applying the technology of metal sheet forming on micro-scaled forming for some profiled feature based structural parts can help to study the possible of enlarging the range of applications of micro sheet forming in automobile industry. In this thesis, a profiled feature based structural parts is designed and the material selected for fabrication was magnesium-lithium alloy. From tensile test, the material mechanical properties can be investigated. With the help of CAD and CAE software, the tooling is designed and optimized. The microforming process is designed as a progressive forming system, the dies for the whole forming process is combined into one integrate die. The reliability of the design is also checked by CAE software. In addition, by investigating the CAE results and the actual experiments, the defects formation mechanism and process can be found. Subsequently, by researching and comparing the final quality of the parts and the mechanics data, several main factors such as annealing temperature, forming speed, different material which may influence the forming process and the quality of the final parts are discovered and summarized. The grain size effect on both material and the forming process are also taken into account in this thesis.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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