Author: 鍾靈明
Zhong, Lingming Hubert
Title: 中国民营酒店集团发展道路研究
Zhongguo min ying jiu dian ji tuan fa zhan dao lu yan jiu
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2004
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Hospitality industry -- China
Hotels -- China
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: ix, 97 leaves : ill., charts ; 30 cm
Language: Chinese
Abstract: This paper is devoted to study the developments for private-owned hotel chains in China by analyzing the external and internal factors that might impact it. The basic materials came from exclusive interviews with top leaders from two big Chinese hotel chains, and the data of questionnaires to 144 middle and senior managers from hotels run by world famous hotel chains and Chinese private-owned hotel chain. The result reflects the inadequate current strategic management and operational management of hotel chains in China, according to the analysis of those data and information, and referring to literature review of strategic management of private-owned enterprises, private-owned hotel chains and tourism industry in China. The research found out the factors impact the current Chinese private-owned hotel chains being less in number and scale. Anyhow the primary factor actually comes from its inside, but not outside, even though the political and economic environment both at home and abroad is favorable. The investigation discovered the top leaders deficiency of a long-term strategy management which result in blur of their goal, opportunistic and irrationally hotel investment that sometimes for the image-building in order to invest in other huge profits projects. The way of direct capital input investment is also the main factor that hinders the expanding of Chinese private-owned hotel chains seriously. It is absolutely a long way for private-owned hotel chains to optimize such as human recourse system, marketing strategy, purchasing network and professional management system. That's what they have to improve for gaining the competitive edges, especially in strategic management and operational management in order to survive and expand in the world tourism industry.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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