Author: Lun, Pui Yan Lelia
Title: How the Islamic State convinces the world : appraisal analysis on the propaganda video texts of the Islamic State (I.S.)
Advisors: Lam, Marvin (ENGL)
Degree: M.A.
Year: 2016
Subject: English language -- Discourse analysis.
IS (Organization)
English language -- Political aspects.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of English
Pages: 43 pages
Language: English
Abstract: The Islamic State (I.S.) has risen to power in recent years, being perceived as a group of Muslim jihadists who embrace the idea of extreme Muslim rule around the world. Having arranged several major terrorist attacks in Europe and the Middle East, the I.S. has declared war on most non-Muslim countries and begun to kidnap foreigners around Syria. The regime even produces beheading videos which aim to threaten the Western world. This report analyses the use of language in I.S. propaganda videos through the Appraisal System. Several types of propaganda have been selected, including the texts in beheading videos, recruitment videos as well as documentaries that introduce the conditions of I.S. cities. Through the research, the functions of emotional language, the impactful persuasion skills as well as the intensified force of the videos have been unveiled so as to explore how these texts work perfectly in an unprecedented context.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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