Author: Lin, Mingying
Title: Study on construction of public park that fits the elderly : taking Fuzhou as example
Advisors: Chan, H. W. Edwin (BRE)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2016
Subject: Older people -- Recreation.
Parks -- China.
Urban parks -- China.
Older people -- Recreation -- China -- Fuzhou (Fujian Sheng)
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Construction and Environment
Pages: iv, 109 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: China formally became the aging society in 2003, rapidly growing elderly population each year brought a lot of contributions and enormous pressure on China's economic, social and other aspects. Urban park as an important kind of open space, which plays an irreplaceable role for elderly outdoor activities, thus constructing park and greenbelt that fits the elderly has significant meaning to create livable environments for elderly users. At the first stage of study, the elderly's characteristics and requirements in physical, psychological and sociological aspect were studied and the factors which affecting elder people's use of parkland have were determined by research literature. Based on the literature study about the topic, there were four representative urban parks in Fuzhou city including Cha'ting Park, Mount Jinji Park, West Lake Park and Mingjiang Riverside Park have been chosen to conduct on-spot observation, and questionnaire forms have been applied to 293 elderly users in the four parks. By the result of observation and questionnaires, the comprehensive evaluation to each park have been made and the problems which elderly users frequently meet in the urban parks were found, such as accessibility, activity space design, necessary park furniture, insufficient maintenance and management. At the end of the study, the exercisable countermeasures and suggestions of how to construct, design, and reconstruct city parks and greenbelt that is fitted for the elderly was put forward.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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