Author: Wu, Peili
Title: Study on the performance of a novel district cooling system used in Hong Kong
Advisors: Chen, T. Y. (BSE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2016
Subject: Air conditioning -- Efficiency -- China -- Hong Kong.
Air conditioning -- Energy conservation -- China -- Hong Kong.
Air conditioning -- Energy consumption -- China -- Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: v, 69 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: A district cooling system supplies cooling to a group of buildings in a district. It has been widely used for its high energy and economic performance, especially in Asian and European countries. It is supposed that a district cooling system can achieve great performance when used in the subtropical area like Hong Kong. In order to have a better energy-saving effect, studies about performance of chillers have been worked out. And the performance of chillersis influenced by evaporating temperature, condensing temperature and the rotating speed of chillers.And large temperature difference between the supply and return chilled water helps to increase the evaporating temperature, which means large temperature difference between the supply and return chilled water can improve the performance of chillers. Dedicated outdoor air system is supposed to be applied for enhancing temperature difference between supply and return chilled water. Additionally, large temperature difference between supply and return chilled water can reduce the chilled water flowrate, which contributes to saving energy consumption in pumping distribution. In this study, by modeling a novel district cooling system with a dedicated outdoor air system integrated with dry fan-coil units, the performance of the novel district cooling system is compared with the conventional district cooling system, whose air handling unit is CAV system. Energy consumption of main subsystems is compared and the energy saving potential of the novel district cooling system is analyzed. Sensitivity study of the novel district cooling system performance at partial load is conducted and results show that the novel district cooling system is more efficient than the conventional one.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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