Author: Ou, Dingtian
Title: Investigating the enery performance of condensate-based evaporative cooler in DCDV system
Advisors: Lee, Wai-ling (BSE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2016
Subject: Air conditioning -- Efficiency.
Air conditioning -- Design and construction.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: vii, 69 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: The combination of dedicated outdoor air ventilation (DV) system and fan coil (DC) system has been proved that it is more energy efficient than the conventional air-conditioning system recently. In order to improve energy performance of the DCDV system, high temperature chiller (HTC) has been proposed. For further enhancing energy performance, evaporative cooler (EC) is considered to be a viable device to pre-cool the water supplied to HTC. Furthermore, the huge amount of condensate water generate by DV coil may be a potential water source for evaporative cooler. The condensate-based evaporative cooler is proposed in this study (CEC). Futher energy saving can also be achieved by using condensate water. A combination of condensate-recovery, high temperature chiller and DCDV system is proposed. However, such system is still nonexistent. Consequently, EnergyPlus is applied for modeling a viral system which can be used for energy performance evaluation. A comparison of the performance between the CEC-HTC system and HTC system based on the annually energy consumption generated by simulation software-Energyplus. Comparing with HTC system, the energy consumed by the high temperature chillers reduces by 10.1% during the moderate seasons (Oct.-Apr.) and 4.3% during a whole year.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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