Author: Chau, King-man
Title: Evaluate the effect of mobile phone on medical instrument
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 1999
Subject: Electromagnetic interference -- China -- Hong Kong
Medical instruments and apparatus -- China -- Hong Kong
Cellular telephones -- China -- Hong Kong
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Multi-disciplinary Studies
Jockey Club Rehabilitation Engineering Centre
Pages: ii, 58 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Today in Hong Kong there are more than 2.23 million cellular phone subscribers, a penetration of over 35 per cent. In a relatively short period of time Hong Kong has become one of the most dynamic cellular markets not only in Asia but the world. Mobile phones can be used almost everywhere including in hospitals. Most hospitals do not restrict the use of mobile phones which means that visitors, patients, and medical staff can use mobile phones within a very close range of medical instruments without there being any warning. Phone users may not know that when mobile phones are switched on, they do emit radio waves automatically; even when they are off-line. There have already been recorded instances of mobile phones interfering with medical instruments. The incidences of medical instrument malfunction related to interference problems vary from mere inconvenience to serious morbidity or even death. However, this does not mean that mobile phones should be forbidden in hospitals. Actually, there is a lack of guidelines on the normal operation of medical instruments in hospitals under an interference environment. Different medical instruments may be affected in different degrees depending on the distance separating the mobile phones and the instruments. This research classifies the vulnerability of medical instruments into four categories. By relating it to the international interference standard, a prohibition zone for using mobile phones in hospitals is recommended. Thus, institutions need to examine the risks and benefits associated with the latest wireless technologies and develop policies to manage the use of mobile phone in hospitals.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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