Author: Baldwin, Watson Maceo
Title: The transference of cuisine and Michelin rated restaurants : a chef's perspective of Japanese cuisine in Hong Kong
Advisors: Mckercher, Bob (SHTM)
Degree: DHTM
Year: 2016
Subject: Restaurants -- China -- Hong Kong.
Japanese restaurants -- China -- Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: 169 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Japanese cuisine has a long standing history in Hong Kong dating back to the 1800s. There have been several different waves of Japanese cuisine exposure in Hong Kong since that time. Hong Kong, in recent years, has seen a rise in high end Japanese restaurants opening around the city. More accurately, Hong Kong has seen a rise in high end Japanese restaurants being listed on the Michelin Guide. These restaurants represent the highest quality of Japanese cuisine and service, while also representing a near nano sized market within the current Japanese restaurant market segment. The chefs of these restaurants are artisans that have crafted new variations of traditional Japanese cuisine for the Hong Kong populous. In many ways these "new" styles of cuisine are very different from the Japanese food that people in Hong Kong have been consuming, and there is a question of whether or not chefs need to make any changes to their food when transferring the cuisine and concept into Hong Kong. This exploratory study looks at what changes, if any, occur in Michelin rated Japanese restaurants in Hong Kong with regards to cuisine taken from a chef's perspective. This research is set apart from the rest in that the focus is on the chefs as craftsman and not their consumers or their perception of the chef's cuisine. There is little background on a study such as this which means it has the potential to provide new avenues and insights into how chefs work with food in new environments. This applied industry research was conducted using a qualitative approach of semi-structured in{21242c}depth interviews with chefs, restaurant managers, sommeliers and Japanese Food trade organization members to the identify what factors exists for the chefs to overcome willing bringing their food into Hong Kong. The findings of this study suggest that, there are factors and issues that arise for the chefs of these restaurants with regards to the local palate of Hong Kong, the existing perception of Japanese food, cultural challenges with service styles and dining culture differences between Hong Kong and Japan.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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