Author: Zhu, Xiaoxiao
Title: Appraisal use and construing fear through political speech : a case study of Donald Trump's nomination speeches
Advisors: Veloso, Francisco (ENGL)
Degree: M.A.
Year: 2017
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Communication in politics
Department: Department of English
Pages: iv, 34 pages
Language: English
Abstract: Fear has been an important feature in understanding political discourse, and the use of fear in presidential campaign speech becomes more popular. In recent years, the realization of fear in political discourse has been the subjects of many researches from different disciplines, and fear, in some extend, has been proved as an effective tool to influence and even manipulate the public. The case study presented in the paper is an analysis of the realization of fear in Donald Trump's nomination speech. By adopting the appraisal system and mainly focusing on the attitude category, the research identifies several attitudinal tokens, and finds out that the negative discourse has been greatly used in the speech. The author contends that the fear in this speech is not directly addressed but through the social context and use of general texture of experience. The study also indicates that the fear in such political campaign speech is a very effective tool to persuade the public to reach an agreement and draw the same judgment towards the subjects discussed in the speech. The author concludes that there are several means to realize fear in political speech and to understand the fear being an effective tool, the analysis of negative discourse should relate to historical and social background.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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