Author: Wong, Shu Yi Athena
Title: Describing extended meanings in a corpus of letters to Hong Kong
Advisors: Warren, Martin (ENGL)
Degree: M.A.
Year: 2017
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Discourse analysis
Corpora (Linguistics)
Department: Department of English
Pages: 80 pages
Language: English
Abstract: The study presented in this paper applies Sinclair's (2004) descriptive model of lexical items, which consists of five categories of co-selection: two obligatory categories the core and semantic prosody, and three optional categories collocation, colligation and semantic preference. The study investigates a selection of public speeches collected in website from of the 02 February 2016 to 26 February 2017. Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) is the public broadcasting service of Hong Kong. According to the data, one formed a main corpus and named it as "Letter to Hong Kong (LTHK) corpus". The findings show that once the overlapping patterns of co-selection of the most frequently occurring lexical words in the LTHK corpus have been determined, it is possible to portray the accumulative effects of the habitual co-selection in the lexical items that devote to textual meanings and coherence within and across the texts. It is debated that patterns of co-selection provide a more complete picture of textual and intertextual coherence than concentrating merely on lexical cohesion.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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