Author: Mak, Man Wah Tiffany
Title: A system dynamic approach to resources recycling in urban cities
Advisors: Tsang, Dan (CEE)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2016
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Construction and demolition debris -- Management
Construction industry -- Waste disposal -- China -- Hong Kong
Construction industry -- Waste minimization -- China -- Hong Kong
Department: Faculty of Construction and Environment
Pages: 50 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Construction and Demolition (C&D) wastes have progressively raise problems in environmental realms. In Hong Kong, C&D wastes accounts for a substantial portion in the total solid waste landfill and public fill disposal, which have limited life span. In view of such situation, major factors including economic performance of Construction industry and the effect of waste disposal charging fee are investigated to understand interrelationships between these factors. The aim is to quantify relations and determine suitable charging fee levels for landfill and public fill disposal for C&D wastes. Upon the changing economic composition and development of Construction Industry in Hong Kong, it is evident that economic contribution of Construction industry is positively related to C&D waste generation. Besides, optimal level of waste disposal charging fee for landfill and public fill are determined by adopting System Dynamic approach. Either positive or negative interrelationships of related variables such as charging fee and incentive for waste reduction are illustrated by causal loop diagram and simulations by Vensim. The evaluation is carried out by the following steps: (1) make assumptions, construct feedback loops and causal loop diagrams; (2) quantification of major variables; (3) validation of model; (4) estimation of optimal waste disposal charging fee levels; (5) comparison between government- determined and market- driven charging fee levels. The research findings show that there is strong positive linear relationship in the economic contribution of Construction industry and waste generation. Also, optimal range of charging fee level for landfill and public fill should be HK$737 per tonne and HK$150 per tonne to achieve effective C&D waste management.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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