Author: Hou, Tianya
Title: The decision to move, location choice and housing market segregation in Hong Kong
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 2017
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Residential mobility -- China -- Hong Kong
Social mobility -- China -- Hong Kong
Department: Department of Building and Real Estate
Pages: xi, 153 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Mobility is a sign of the energy and efficiency level of a city. Sustainable mobility is one of the toughest challenges in making Hong Kong smarter, with a rapidly-aging society and the pressure on industrial transformation. The constant activities of residential mobility and daily mobility have raised the question on how the polycentric structure deals with the capacity to organize long term of migration trajectories and daily commuting flows in Hong Kong. The development of new town policy and transportation system has largely increased the options in the relocation process and has highly decreased the travelling distance and times. As a result, the continuing decentralization trend resulting from these modifications has established the current situation of the housing market in certain districts, compelling residents (especially young couples) from the central urban area towards an outlying area. Therefore, the interactions between residential mobility and the daily mobility have enormously increased. In recent years, many efforts have been made to understand the propensity to move in the terms of a number of individual and household characteristics. However, the "Axis Structure" of both two types of mobility as the representation of the relationship between the mobility and urban structure is still unknown in the area of Hong Kong. This research will fill this gap to justify the existence of "Axis Structure" of residential mobility and daily mobility by employing a data mining technique-"Link Analysis". At the same time, it will identify the hierarchical polycentric structure as a result of the interaction between residential mobility and daily mobility in Hong Kong.
The main objectives of the thesis are: 1. To uncover the axis structure of residential mobility in Hong Kong using a data mining method-Link Analysis 2. To delineate urban area based on residential mobility routes using the same method-Link Analysis 3. To identify the axis structure of daily mobility in Hong Kong using a data mining method-Link Analysis 4. To reveal the polycentric urban structure and to identify sub-centers in Hong Kong using the same method-Link Analysis 5. To investigate the interaction between residential mobility and daily mobility both considering the effect of household heads and their spouses 6. All the objectives are achieved by using Link Analysis, its challenges and potential advantages are illustrated. This research contributes to provide a quantitative framework on how to identify the axis structure of residential mobility and daily mobility by using a Link Analysis. Unlike many mobility studies, this work considers residential mobility and daily mobility together. It confirms not only the interaction between these two types of mobility, but also their convergent role in establishing and defining a polycentric structure of Hong Kong. The results tend to highlight the drawbacks of polycentric structure, where some districts seemly become deprived sub-centers because of their poor transportation or unsustainable new town policy, which raises many issues that Hong Kong government should pay attention to in the future.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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