Author: Cheung, Chi-fai
Title: Investigation of the normal values of the cervical prevertebral soft tissue thickness in an adult Chinese population
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 1999
Subject: Cervical vertebrae -- Radiography
Cervical vertebrae -- Diseases -- Diagnosis
Cervical vertebrae -- Wounds and injuries -- Diagnosis
Diagnosis, Radioscopic
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Multi-disciplinary Studies
Department of Optometry and Radiography
Pages: vii, 106 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Widening of the prevertebral soft tissue space has been reported as a reliable soft tissue radiographic sign in evaluating the trauma to the cervical spine and certain neck diseases including infection / abscess formation, haematoma, soft tissue mass, or foreign body. Widely differing measurements are reported in the literature. However, these measurements were made using Caucasian populations. Nominal data sets of the value of prevertebral soft tissue thickness (PSTT) in a Chinese population has not previously been reported. This study analyzed the normal lateral cervical spine and soft tissue neck radiographs of 365 Chinese subjects, to determine the thickness of the prevertebral soft tissue at the C1-C7 levels. These measurements were correlated with subject age, gender and magnification factor. A comparison has been made between the current data set with those of previous studies to determine whether racial differences exist. Results demonstrate that there is a significant effect of age and magnification factor on PSTT measurement. Gender was found to have a significant effect on PSTT measurement at the C1, C5, C6 and C7 levels. Interestingly, comparison of the current data set with the previous studies shows a statistically significant difference between Caucasian and Chinese subjects. In addition, the measured value of PSTT were converted into the form of the ratio to the mean anteroposterior diameter of C5 body. It is concluded that this form of measure may not increase the accuracy of the results because the anteroposterior diameter of C5 body is not a constant value as both age and gender have a significant effect on it. In conclusion, this study has shown that the differences of PSTT measurement are related to age, gender, race and magnification factor. From this study a set of normal values has been established for a Chinese population which also acknowledges gender and age as pertinent factors.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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