Author: Meng, Qiuhan
Title: The application of building information modeling (BIM) in civil infrastructure projects
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2016
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Building information modeling
Department: Faculty of Construction and Environment
Pages: xii, 81 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Before BIM technology and software devoted to the construction industry, low productivity and high risk of errors have perplexed engineers for decades. Eastman (2011) says in his book BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling, "BIM is not a thing or a type of software but a human activity that ultimately involves broad process changes in construction." A set of new BIM-based tools is changing the way of building construction in AEC industry, which reflect in every aspect of construction projects at every stage. The objective of this dissertation is to describe how BIM applicate in civil infrastructure projects. To achieve the purpose, this dissertation focused on finding advantages of BIM implementation in civil infrastructure projects. The findings presented in this dissertation are based on a literature review, and observations from the implementation of BIM software. The purpose of the literature review is to convey knowledge and ideas established in this dissertation. A deeper understanding of basic knowledge creates a theoretical foundation for analysis it based. The observations came from the implementation of BIM software in the design process, construction progress, as well as management and optimization process. In this dissertation, there are several obstacles that have impacts on successful implementation of BIM in civil infrastructure projects. More important, many benefits derived from the implementation of BIM have been discussed, which prove the value of BIM implementation in civil infrastructure projects.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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