Author: Bao, Xueyan
Title: Experimental study on an autorotation mechanism for hydrokinetic energy harvesting
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2017
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Energy harvesting
Hydraulic engineering
Department: Faculty of Engineering
Pages: 132 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: This project explores low-head hydrokinetic energy harvesting using the autorotation mechanism through carrying out experiments on various vertical-axis-hinged turbines. The experimental device is a one degree of freedom hinged plate that rotates about a vertical axis in the uniform water currents. This turbines applied extra moment of inertia and flapped shape of rotors to improve the autorotation characteristics. The performance of innovative s-shape blades were studied and compared that of flat plates. Pulley system was set on the turbines to convert hydrokinetic energy into mechanism energy through using wire to hang up lifting masses. Device was tested in low water speeds and low head water currents. Investigation was focused on the influence of non-dimensional mass moment of inertia, Reynolds number, and blade shape on the blade performance parameters such as angular velocity, tip speed ratio (TSR), and efficiency. The property changes under the different conditions which gives relationships between efficiency, and co-related parameters. It was found that the maximum efficiency of 10 can be achieved at a tip speed ratio (TSR) of 0.5 and non-dimensional moment of inertia (I*) of 2.23. It was found that the tested s-shaped blade can significantly improve the performance compared to a flat plate by at least two times under same flow situation and same swept area for the different blades.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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