Author: Ren, Keyu
Title: A case study of a global firm for Chinese building consultants' internationalization
Advisors: Shen, Q. P. Geoffrey (BRE)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2017
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Business consultants -- China
Construction industry -- China
Department: Faculty of Construction and Environment
Pages: x, 113 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: This thesis was conducted to grasp the chance of One Belt and One Road policy initiated by Chinese government and change the situation of Chinese building consultancy firms attempting to commence to go overseas, since there are insufficient examples for reference, the process of internationalization is still in the beginning stage of exploration. Firstly, after reviewing the literatures researched by other scholars, issues were found that they mainly focused on the principles and theory basis, however, these theories may not fully and completely provide a pattern and logic flow regarding 'How to execute' for the reference of internationalization, besides, there is no article researching the internationalization based on the situation and background of Chinese building consultancy industry, even if they provide the solid underpin of the theory. Therefore, the case study was conducted to fulfill the objectives as follows: - To review a leading firm's historical process, business distribution, as well as measures on the aspect of internationalization. - To form a questionnaire by extracting the key points from the review of the case firm's issues. Next, the questionnaire survey was conducted, in which the contents were extracted from the review of the case study as mentioned before. The questionnaire was assigned to the specific group of middle-level or above administration in Chinese leading building consultancy firms to provide the insights and the representative perception as references for the internationalization of Chinese firms. Finally, by analyzing the data of major historical events, the distribution of business and the core competitive power of the case firm with details, this dissertation provides a clear pattern on the 'model selection', 'initial differential path' and 'important tactics' helping Chinese Main land consultancy firms to kick off their process of internationalization.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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