Author: Lo, Man Ting
Title: A model on evaluation of social cognition for persons with schizophrenia in a Chinese population
Advisors: Siu, Andrew (RS)
Degree: M.Phil.
Year: 2017
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Social perception
Department: Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
Pages: 114 pages : illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Introduction: Social cognition is a complex construct, encompassing several social cognitive processes, including emotion perception, theory-of-mind, attributional style and jump-to-conclusion tendency. There is growing evidence showing that social cognition could contribute to work performance and outcomes in persons with schizophrenia. Current studies on social cognition is limited by a lack of consensus on the conceptualization of social cognition, and the lack of assessments that could provide a comprehensive evaluation of key social cognitive processes. The present study consisted of two stages. Stage I is a validation study of two social cognitive assessments, the Chinese-Facial Emotion Identification Test (C-FEIT) and the Chinese-Social Cognition and Screening Test (C-SCSQ). This thesis proposed to use the two instruments to form a comprehensive social cognition assessment battery. Stage II study examined how far social cognition, neurocognition and clinical symptoms could predict longitudinal work outcomes. Method:In Stage I, a group of expert panel was formed to evaluate the content-related validity of C-SCSQ after translation of SCSQ. A sample of 30 outpatients with schizophrenia were recruited using convenience sampling to collect data for evaluating the test-retest reliability of C-FEIT and C-SCSQ. The predictive validity of C-FEIT and C-SCSQ on work performance measure was investigated. Known group validity was examined by examining if the social cognitive assessment battery could differentiate the performance between matched samples of patient and controls. In Stage II study, measures of social cognition, neurocognition and clinical symptoms were obtained from a sample of 62 outpatients with schizophrenia. The subjects were followed up at 3-months and 6­months to collect indexes of their longitudinal work outcomes. Correlational analyses and logistic regression were performed to examine associations between variables on job tenure/salary and to identify significant predictors on employment status.
Result: The C-SCSQ demonstrated good content-related validity and both C-FEIT and C-SCSQ possessed good test-retest reliability. For known group validity, the control group had significantly better performance in C-SCSQ (d ranges from 1.26 to 3.27) and C-FEIT (d = .56) than the patient group. A structural equation model with satisfactory model fit (CFI = .91, RMSEA = .12) was constructed, which showed that social cognition had a significant impact on work performance. This provides support to the predictive validity of the assessment battery. For stage II study, the "neurocognitive" factor (comprising neurocognitive measures and emotion perception) significantly predicted the employment status at 3 months. The social cognitive factor (comprising theory-of-mind, attributional style and jump-to-conclusion) did not predict the employment status. Conclusion:This study showed that the assessment battery comprising of C-FEIT and C-SCSQ possessed acceptable to good reliability and validity. This supports its application in measurement of social cognition of persons with schizophrenia in Chinese population. The study result suggested social cognition construct, as a whole, had a significant impact on work performance. However, only emotion perception and neurocognition, but not key social cognitive abilities, predict prospective employment status.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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