Author: Man, Siu Pan Stephen
Title: Maintenance cost of centralized hot water system in Hong Kong
Advisors: Lai, Hung Kit Joseph (BSE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2017
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Water heaters -- Maintenance and repair
Hot-water supply -- China -- Hong Kong
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: iv, 44 pages : illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Research findings about maintenance costs of centralized hot water system. The study reported in this paper was conducted through examining of 32 building maintenance contracts including accommodation and hotel, hospital, swimming pool and club house. Contract documents associated with monthly service reports and payment records and interviews with the contractor engineer. 18 general faults are identified by inspecting monthly reports and incident reports. Cost of maintenance projects are dominated by routine maintenance and repair maintenance among all samples. Emergency maintenance work and condition analysis are comparatively less applied. It is identified that the total maintenance cost and preventive maintenance cost comply with the theory of economic of scale in relation to operation period, age of equipment and heating methods with the varies of heating capacity. The graph plotted demonstrates a decline logarithmical curve with relatively less increasing of normalized maintenance cost for the increase of above parameters. Furthermore, the total maintenance cost over plant age shows a bell-shaped pattern indicate the cost in old and new plants are relatively low. Yet, corrective maintenance unit cost has no explainable relationship with the above parameters. Factors that affecting preventive and corrective are identified due to heating methods, age of equipment and heating capacity. Lastly, benchmarking chart of maintenance cost constitute elements and system parameters are established.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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