Author: Yu, Tai-tei
Title: Business intelligence supports for management process
Degree: D.B.A.
Year: 2004
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Management information systems
Decision support systems
Business intelligence
Department: Graduate School of Business
Pages: xi, 195, [9] leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Business intelligence ("BI") has evolved from executive information system with wider scope and more diffused user groups. Its popularity and wide-adoption in management process has been evidenced by the tremendous growth in the supply of various BI solutions. However, its usefulness to the users is questionable as there are still a lot of failure cases. It is difficult to measure the success of BI in money terms. Instead, its success is the value of its provision of timely and relevant decision support information to enable the users at different levels across the organization to discharge their management tasks in organizational objective attainment, environmental scanning, planning, executing and controlling with the highest level of confidence and knowledge. And only upon the user's actual use of the BI system can the value be realized. This study firstly reviewed the existing EIS literatures and BI related papers for identifying the extent of BI supports for the management process; then made use of the system implementation theory to define the system success of BI; and subsequently carried out a survey to investigate the relationship between the amount of BI supports and the BI success. In addition, the presence of change decision as to the adoption of the BI system was also explored. Ultimately, the determinants to a successful BI system were ascertained from the BI supports for management process. Multiple regression model was adopted for the analysis. User's perceived BI success, as measured by user acceptance, actual use, satisfaction and performance, is the primary dependent variable. Management tasks in organizational objective attainment, environmental scanning, planning, executing and controlling are the independent variables. For exploring the system change decision impact, change decision mode (i.e. who is the system decider) is the dummy variable, and system professional perception is the intervening variable. Data were collected from two databases of a prominent BI vendor and a system consultancy firm respectively; 105 organizations participated in the survey. All the participants were in use of BI tools in their offices in Hong Kong and overseas. One questionnaire concerning the BI supports for management tasks was completed by a system professional while the other one concerning the perceived BI success completed by a user of the same organization using the same BI system. The overall results show that the user's perceived success of BI system is not only correlated with its decision supports for the management process such as planning, executing and controlling for achieving the organizational goal (particularly for the strategic objective), but also the level of success is better off by the user's participation in the system development and change decision. Though system professional is a BI system decider, his perception intervening the association between the user's perceived BI success and the BI supports is not significant. Environmental scanning is not significant in any case, indicating that, at least today, it is not well recognized by the BI users. The regression results indicate that 62% of the variability in the observed BI success can be explained by the BI support model, which includes such BI supports for objective attainment, planning, executing and controlling tasks as the significant determinants to the BI success. The study suggests that (i) The better we know the determinants of the system success, the more we can improve the quality of that system by avoiding the "unwanted" in the processes that contribute to it, (ii) for future development of BI solution, integration of its functionality (technology applied) and the management activities (user's needs) should be the key to its success, and (iii) user's earlier participation in system development and decision stages is an added advantage.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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