Author: Wu, Guancen
Title: Assessing the security of URL protection mechanisms in apps
Advisors: Luo, Xiapu (COMP)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2018
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Mobile computing -- Security measures
Application software -- Security measures
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: 71 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Since online-services are becoming increasingly aware of the security implications of Uniform Resource Locator (URL), more and more new technologies have been designed for URL protection in order to prevent server resource from malicious acquisition. Recently, these technologies have been used in mobile applications, however, little is known about their efficiencies because mobile applications pose a new challenge. In this work, we propose and develop a new framework, named URLTracer, for automatically assessing the security of URL protection mechanisms. The basic idea of URLTracer is to detect and locate the URL protection module in mobile apps and then assess its security based on the attack strategy that exploits the URL protection module in mobile apps to circumvent the URL protection mechanism at the server side. This framework has three components: 1) Packet Tracer module intercepts http packets and analyzes whether these packets include some URL protection modules or human-computer recognition modules by changing the parameters in HTTP header (e.g., request parameters, user agent, etc.) and comparing the responses to the changed packets and that to the original packets; 2) Function Explorer finds out URL parameters related functions according to recursive query of request string in smali file, and then it may save these functions; 3) Key Function Tracer locates the key function that creates the URL signature. The input of this component is the output of Function Explorer and its output is the function that creates the URL signature. By examining the results of URLTracer and the URL of real apps, we can find whether or not the URL protection mechanisms in apps have security risks. By applying the tool to inspecting the most popular top 100 apps in China market, we find that 27% of them have URL protection modules, and URLTracer show that 95% of them have security risks.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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