Author: Wan, Wing Kit
Title: Criteria for evaluating daylight quality of commercial buildings in Hong Kong using climate-based daylight modelling approach
Advisors: Wei, M. C. Tommy (BSE)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2018
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
School buildings -- Lighting -- China -- Hong Kong
Department: Faculty of Construction and Environment
Pages: xv, 96 pages, 42 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Daylighting of commercial buildings in Hong Kong, especially for school buildings, has raised a major concern in the area of High-performance Buildings. It has a high correlation between learning outcome and lighting environment from the previous research studies. The current daylighting performance assessment method - daylight factor, stated in the standard of HK-BEAM Plus, has a number of limitations such as only based on the overcast sky condition and it does not vary with the building orientation. This will actually influence the daylighting design in a space and the judgement from building services engineers, and hence the learning environment contributed by daylighting will directly affect the student performance. In order to achieve a better learning environment by daylighting, a CBDM approach proposed from foreign countries could overcome the limitations of the current daylighting assessment method in Hong Kong, by means of different indicators -sDA, UDI and ASE, which will be further discussed in this research study. However, the applicabilityand such criteriain foreign standards are polemical while considering to apply to school buildings in Hong Kong, due to the difference of solar irradiation density, sun path and daylight luminance distribution profile in between foreign countries and Hong Kong. In view of this, exploring the applicability of these indicators and proposing suitable criteria for evaluating daylighting performance in school buildings in Hong Kong are the major academic values in this research study.
Further to the objectives of this research study, it is to explore the applicability of foreign standard indicators using in Hong Kong for school buildings; discuss the impact on surroundings condition towards the CBDM simulation result; eventually to propose such criteria using the foreign indicators for evaluating the daylighting quality of school building in Hong Kong. To achieve the above research aims, AGI software simulation is carried out based on the selected classroom model - Z-509 and nearby daylight obstructions, in seven different locations, including Seattle, Phoenix, Denver, Fargo, Pittsburgh, Beijing and Hong Kong. The simulation results show that there is a high applicability while applying the CBDM approach to school buildings in Hong Kong, from the comparison in between different cities. Also noteworthy is the fact that the indicators in the CBDM approach could express its variation against different orientations, weather (sky) condition and locations. Surroundings impact shall also be considered when implementing a good daylighting design in a space, as investigated in this research study. It is evident that the assessment parameters of sDA, UDI and ASE are suitable to be applied to school buildings in Hong Kong, without further modification from foreign LEED and UK standard. It is suggested that the government should further promote a new daylighting assessment method with such persuasive instrument in HK­BEAM Plus standard to replace the original one. This will offer a chance to increase the learning performance by means of a good daylighting design in a space, towards the building services engineer. While there are a number of outcomes in this research study, there are also a number of limitations to affect simulation results. Therefore, there is a chance to further continue the research study by means of different aspects as mentioned in the paper.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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