Author: Shi, Shuisheng
Title: The cross-cultural generalizability of paradoxical leader behavior theory
Advisors: Huang, Xu (MM)
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 2018
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Management -- Cross-cultural studies
Department: Department of Management and Marketing
Pages: 166 pages : illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: This thesis tested and extended a timely but understudied paradoxical leadership theory, namely, the paradoxical leader behavior theory (hereafter, "PLB theory"), by examining the validity of the PLB measure and the predictions and theoretical mechanisms of the theory. Specifically, the author first investigated whether the hypothesized second-order factor measurement model of PLB developed in the Chinese context and the main predictions of the PLB theory can be replicated in the Chinese context and the Western culture. The author then hypothesized and tested four potential mechanisms through which PLB may influence employee work performance: psychological empowerment, role clarity, learning orientation, and supervisory fairness. Results from two large samples of Chinese and Western employees in the pilot study suggested that the hypothesized measurement model fitted well with the data, and the factor loadings were invariant across the Chinese and the Western sample. Weak evidence, however, was found for the predictive validity of PLB. Results of Primary Study 1 conducted in the Chinese context indicated that supervisory fairness mediated the relationships between PLB and most performance criteria. However, results of Primary Study 2 conducted in the US context showed that the effect of PLB was mainly channelled by employees' psychological empowerment. This cross-cultural research fleshes out the newly developed theory on leadership paradox and motivates future effort on this topic.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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