Author: Zhang, Yiting
Title: Design of a hybrid PV-EV (electric vehicle) system to enhance the energy flexibility of a single-family ZEB (zero energy building) house
Advisors: Cao, Sunliang (BSE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2018
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Energy storage
Solar energy -- China -- Hong Kong
Wind power -- China -- Hong Kong
Buildings -- Energy conservation -- China -- Hong Kong
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: x, 80 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: The continuously increasing applications of photovoltaics and electric vehicles in residential areas worldwide lead to the possibility of single-family zero energy building. This thesis presented a simulation study on the optimal configuration of the renewable generation system and energy storage system aiming to mitigate the mismatch between domestic electricity demand and renewable energy production as well as reduce the CO₂ emission based on Hong Kong condition. The TRNSYS software was employed to build up the simulation model and perform the system controls. It was found that the optimal system consisting of a 116 m² PV system and 3 micro wind turbines with batteries could cover 80% of the domestic electricity demand, and the excess renewable energy fed to grid could be 355 kWh more than the backup thermal electricity from grid in an annual period, leading to 110 kg/m².a reduction on CO₂ emission. The energy storage efficiency of the house battery would decrease from 50% to 10% with the increase of battery capacity mainly due to the limited surplus renewable energy and the enlarging redundancy of the house battery. It was shown that the electric vehicle with 35.8 kWh battery had considerable performance in reducing the mismatch especially with house battery capacity under 108 kWh. The payback period for the householders could be less than 10 years due to the relatively low investments of the renewable generation devices purchased from Mainland China as well as rich solar radiation power in Hong Kong. The payback for the environment could be 1-2 years shorter than that for individual considering the shared renewable energy leads to reductions on the utilization of the thermal electricity and over 80% of the CO₂ emissions. It was found that the wind power was relatively weak based on the weather condition in Hong Kong urban area. It was suggested that the mismatch between demand and supply could be further reduced by an appropriate household demand side management. It could be concluded that the residential ZEB houses are promising and applicable with optimized renewable production systems in Hong Kong.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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