Author: Zhao, Haochun
Title: The different light environment's influence on people's vision of white light on electronic screen
Advisors: Wei, Tommy (BSE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2018
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Information display systems -- Psychological aspects
Visual perception
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: viii, 73 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: With the development of the electronic equipment, people use more and more time in front of the electronic screen, so, the lighting researchers working on electronic equipment become more and more important. White perception study is a vital part of lighting research. This study aimed at testing the whitest lights and the white pictures region on the electronic screens under different ambient lights. The correlated colour temperatures(CCT) of the tested ambient lights were between 3000K and 6500K while the dark environment had also been tested. The CCT of white pictures of the experiment were between 3500K and 15000K. After experiment, a relationship curve had been plotted to study the relationship between the CCT values of ambient lights and the CCT values of whitest screen pictures. And the Bivariate Gaussian models had been used to fit white region ellipses. The linear relationship between the CCT of the ambient light and the CCT of the screen light had been confirmed. The gap was approximately 2500K screen light greater than ambient light when the ambient light was on the Blackbody Locus. All the Duv values of the whitest pictures which were on the electronic screen had been tested out were 0. The CCT trend of the white regions was similar as the trend of the whitest screen lights. Some application developer would get some useful information to adjust the whiteness of electronic screen.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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