Author: Lyu, Jing
Title: The impact of customer value co-creation behaviors on customer experience and loyalty
Advisors: Li, Mimi (SHTM)
Degree: DHTM
Year: 2018
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Customer relations
Consumer satisfaction
Hospitality industry -- Customer services
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: xiii, 166 pages : illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: This study develops the dimensionality and measurement scale of customer experience with P2P accommodation and proposes a theoretical model integrating two lines of tourism research: customer value co-creation and customer experience. In order to extract the dimensions of customer experience, 34 in-depth interviews were conducted and a pilot test was implemented for Chinese Airbnb users. Grounded theory and exploratory factor analysis was performed to extract the dimensions of customer experience and value co-creation behavior. The questionnaire was then modified based on the EFA result, and a further main survey was conducted to collect feedback from Chinese Airbnb users. Confirmative factor analysis, structural equation modeling and mediation analysis were implemented to assess the relationships involving customers' value co-creation behavior, customers' experience and loyalty. Five dimensions of experience with Airbnb were extracted, namely, tangible and sensorial experience, host, cultural experience, interaction with other guests, location. Meanwhile, two dimensions of customer value co-creation behavior which were customer participation behavior and citizenship behavior were exacted and verified. Customer participation behavior were found including responsible behavior and information seeking and sharing, and customer citizenship behavior included advocacy and help, feedback, and tolerance. Results of structural equation modeling indicate that customer participation and citizenship behavior had significant and positive effects on customer experience. The indirect effects of participation behavior and citizenship behavior on loyalty via customer experience were all significant. Customer experience not only has a direct positive effect on loyalty but also mediates the relationship between value co-creation behavior and loyalty. Implications as well as future research opportunities are offered.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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