Author: Chan, Kwok Luen Adam
Title: Holistic integration for children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in their school life with inter-professional collaboration
Advisors: Yip, Kam Shing (APSS)
Tsui, Ming Sum (APSS)
Degree: DSW
Year: 2018
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Hyperactive children -- Education -- China -- Hong Kong
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder -- Treatment -- China -- Hong Kong
Attention-deficit-disordered children -- Services for -- China -- Hong Kong
Department: Department of Applied Social Sciences
Pages: 337 pages
Language: English
Abstract: This study aimed to build a framework for holistic integration in the cultural context of Hong Kong for children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) within an inter-professional collaboration. A case study approach was used to explore the experiences and views of parents, teachers and social workers using nine participants (three parents, three teachers and three social workers). Other than interviews conducted, the researcher also draws on multiple sources of information including service documents and records, direct observations and informal conservations with the nine participants. Based on the findings and multiple sources of information, the researcher modified the existing framework for holistic integration to generate a culturally sensitive practice framework within the context of Hong Kong. A deeper understanding about children with ADHD, including both diagnosis and treatment, is advocated to formulate the framework for holistic integration practice, i.e., a 'Six-Is framework'. There are six components of the Six-Is framework including Integration (1): the placement arrangement and curriculum-based assimilation arrangement, Inclusion (2): emphasis on the value of accommodation and restructuring of the school environment, Interaction (3): mediating the forces between Integration (1) and Inclusion (2), Interest (4): serves as an effective means to work against the symptoms of ADHD, Initiative (5) emphasises doing something as needs-satisfying to effectively deal with the symptoms of ADHD, Involvement (6) stresses on the importance of getting connected with things and activities are personally satisfying to enhance the attentive ability. The major findings of this study are as follows: firstly, existing curriculum-based integration practice is able to assist children with ADHD to catch up with academic standards, thus facilitating their ability to thrive in mainstream schools. However, this kind of practice can impinge on the integration of children with ADHD in mainstream schools. Secondly, there is a need to develop another way of integrating children with ADHD that is the holistic integration practice characterized by the Six-Is framework. Here, inclusive education replaces curriculum-based integration in which the focus of concern is shifted from academic performance to the holistic development of children with ADHD. Thirdly, presence, acceptance, participation and achievement characterized by interest, initiative and interaction are emphasized and advocated as important components for children with ADHD. Therefore, three levels of recommendations are derived from the findings of this study including the practice level: cultivating a deeper understanding towards children with ADHD for parents, teachers and social workers, training level: the provision of tailor-made training workshops for significant others upon interacting with children with ADHD and policy level: advocating an inclusive school environment for children with ADHD.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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