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Showing results 4704 to 4723 of 7339 < previous   next >
2000Packetized voice switching network (PVSN)Lai, Cheuk-yung
2006Paediatric constipation : normal bowel habit, prevalence and contributory factors of functional constipation in Hong Kong primary-school childrenChan, Yuk-lin
2009Pain and sleep in patients who have undergone a major gynecological open abdominal surgeryTam, Man-kwan Joan
2012Palmprint recognition with three dimensional featuresQing, Pei
2004Paper merchants : a strategic partner or an obsolete idea for a Hong Kong based commercial printerWong, Ka-yan Edith
2017PAPR reduction for visible light communication system with DFT-spreading OFDMMao, Jiaqian
1999A paradigm for the integration of real-time monitoring and MRP IILee, Kwok-cheung
2014Parallel analytics as a serviceWong, Petrie Ke Fang
2000Parallel database query optimization using genetic algorithmChung, Shu-ning
2001Parallel mean curvature vector submanifolds in the hyperbolic spaceLeung, Yiu-chung
2002Parallel power supply using droop method with output voltage feedback to improve load regulationWong, Ming-kwan Thomas
2011Parameters estimation for jump-diffusion process based on low and high frequency dataZhu, Cai
2000Parametric sensitivities of 3G UTRA cellular systemYuen, Hok-man Raymond
2021The parametric study of tall building fire resulting in a collapseZhang, Qin
2002A parametric study on side shear resistance on a rock socketed pileChan, Chi-pui
2015Parathyroid hormone, vitamin D, calcium & phosphate in plasma of apparently healthy young adults and their inter-relationshipsLi, Man Kei Henry
1999Parent compliance with physiotherapy home program for children with developmental disabilitiesYuen, Lily
2007Parental burden among caregivers of severe mentally handicapped children at school ageWong, Kam-man Adam
2005Parental involvement in school : a case study of teachers' perceptions and practices in a Hong Kong secondary schoolLam, Wai-sze Teresa.
2006Parental participation in the care of hospitalized child : the perceptions of the nurses in Hong KongNg, Wai-hing