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Showing results 130 to 149 of 261 < previous   next >
2011The relationships among classroom learning environment, motivation, and the creativity of hospitality undergraduate students in TaiwanLin, Shuying
2014The relationships among emotional labor, subjective occupational prestige, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior in the Japanese hotel sectorArai, Tsuguto
2015Relationships among service quality, hedonic and utilitarian values, customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions : a case study of a casual dining restaurant chain in Hong KongSo, Chui Ying Angel
2016Residents' attitudes toward tourism development : a case of Malacca, MalaysiaChan, Ying Lock
2014Residents' perception of casino gaming development in PenghuWu, Mei Lan Jeanette
2019Residents' perception of sustainable tourism development in Hainan IslandWu, Hong
2017The role of films and TV dramas on tourists' intention to visitKobkitpanichpol, Boosaraporn
2019Segmentation of convention attendees by benefits sought and their willingness to pay for additional programsKim, Bun Hi
2013Serious leisure participants of media fan pilgrimage : a case of the Korean wave in TaiwanWang, Wei-heng Sophie
2018The shared services centre model for hotel finance functions in China and Hong KongLing, Kwok Lung
2019Social construction of a destination brand : a case study of Hong KongChow, Man Wah Monica
2015Social impact of the Individual Visitor Scheme (IVS) of Chinese mainland tourists on Hong Kong : evidence from Hong Kong residentsShen, Huawen James
2019Stakeholders' perceptions of the hotel star rating system in China as a quality indicatorZhao, Jingxin
2016Strengthening affective hospitality teaching in higher education for academic mothersKwan, Ming Wai
2020Students’ participation in school lunch programs : the case of a Hong Kong international schoolRonan, Jeffrey Ralph
2015A study of success factors for small to medium sized hotel management companies in ChinaWang, Shaoren Arthur
2014A study on crisis management in the travel agency sector in Hong KongChan, Tin Yan Josiah
2017A study on the emotional labor of tour leaders in Hong KongLau, Chin Keung Brandon
2017Study on the relationship among tourist experience, perceived value, tourist satisfaction and behavioral intention with smart tourism product/serviceChen, Chen
2023Sustainable food consumption and its consequencesLiu, Yunyao