Browsing by Degree > M.Eng.

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Showing results 197 to 216 of 463 < previous   next >
2016Investigating the enery performance of condensate-based evaporative cooler in DCDV systemOu, Dingtian
2017Investigation and calibration of close-loop proportional dimming lighting deviceYang, Kin Ho
2024Investigation and economic modeling on hydropower generation in residential buildings water supply and drainage systemWang, Dongshun
2012Investigation into the application of a solar-assisted air-conditioning system in Hong KongMo, Man Ki Aggie
2014Investigation into the application of a solar-assisted air-conditioning system under different weather conditionsGong, Yixin
2024Investigation of building-integrated bifacial photovoltaic performance simulation by using Energyplus softwareYin, Shunhao
2012Investigation of energy performance and optimal control of variable primary flow systemGuan, Jing
2015The investigation of energy saving and thermal comfort by using heat pipe in air-conditioning systemChang, Yu
2008Investigation of energy saving by using optimal stop strategy in a high-rise buildingLiu, Ya
2021Investigation of feature selection schemes for building energy modelingWang, Na
2008Investigation of higher order mode transmission loss in a rectangular air duct with no flowLeung, Kwan-hao
2022Investigation of meteorological condition and outdoor thermal comfort in Hong KongPoon, Kai Yiu
2015Investigation of packing type of dehumidifier/regenerator in liquid desiccant air-conditioning systemWang, Yalin
2021Investigation of partition screen in preventing airborne transmission of COVID-19 in study roomYeung, Cheuk Yin
2022An investigation of the adaptive behavior for water showering of occupancy in domestic apartmentChan, Lok Man
2019Investigation of the effects of park configurations and surrounding buildings on thermal comfort of the urban parkLi, Renzi
2023Investigation of the impacts as direct lightning strikes on the electrical vehicles by using FDTD codeWu, Kongjie
2005An investigation of the lighting quality in Hong Kong classroomsYeung, Sau-shan
2020Investigation of the microclimate characteristics and outdoor thermal comfort of different underlying surfacesWang, Jia-jing
2018Investigation of the techno-economic performance of photovoltaic systems in rooftop and façade areas of educational buildingsShi, Ke