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Showing results 1491 to 1510 of 1569 < previous   next >
2020Two studies on improving the efficiency of vaccine supply chainPan, Yuqing
2023Two studies on the artificial intelligence investments of firms, efficiency enhancement and spillover effect in supply chainMiao, Shucheng
2021Two studies on user-generated content in online platforms : review valence, self-presentation, and sales performanceLiu, Fuzhen
2006A two-phase approach to solve manpower scheduling and task assignment problem in aircraft maintenance industryWang, Yingna
2024Ubiquitous positioning based smartphone level GNSS, camera, and INS for smart city applicationsHo, Hiu Yi
2024Ultra-dense motion capture algorithm for breast biomechanical modelling in design of sports brasLiu, Qilong
2005Ultrasonic assessment of post-radiotherapy fibrosisHuang, Yanping
2009Ultrasonic transducer equipped with a magnetoelectric sensor for weld quality monitoringCheung, Kwok-fung
2012Ultrasound evaluation of salivary and thyroid glands in patients treated with external beam radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinomaCheng, Chi Him
2018Understanding and controlling the non-helmet use behavior of construction workers : an empirical and simulation studyLi, Xiaoying
2010Understanding convention attendees' satisfaction and return intentionWang, Xiaoshi
2021Understanding resilience of physician-driven online healthcare communities under exogenous shockLiu, Yinghao
2023Understanding the biofunction of RNA G-quadruplexes in human cells with the novel fluorescent binding ligandsChan, Ka Hin
2018Understanding user engagement level during tasks via facial responses, eye gaze and mouse movementsKwok, Cho Ki
2002A unified approach for steel and composite beams with web openingsKo, Chi-hang
2005Unified feature analysis in multiple compressed domainsAu, Ka-man
2003United States direct investment in the Chinese power generation sector :an industry-level case studyKan, Man-ping Lena
2011Unsupervised pattern discovery for sequence and mixed attribute databasesWu, Pak-kit
2014Urban development discourses in Mainland China : a case study of collective nail-house protest in W cityLi, Ni
2006Usability metrics for application on mobile phoneJo, Chun-wah