Browsing by Degree > M.Phil.

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Showing results 1143 to 1162 of 1569 < previous   next >
2018A qualitative study of health literacy and cultural influence on nursing practice in mental healthKoduah, Adwoa Owusuaa
2016Quality assessment and control of topographic data with applications to Hong Kong 1:1,000 i-series digital topo mapWong, King Fai
2009Quality function deployment optimization with Kano's modelWang, Ting
2005Quantification of solar and daylight availability in the urban fabric by irradiation mappingTo, Tak-tung
2007Quantitative estimation and modelling of GPS carrier phase multipath signalsFan, Ko-kwan
2012Quantitative ultrasonic evaluation of bone growth in a rabbit tibial distraction model by comparing computed radiography and micro-computed tomographyLuk, Hon Kit
2012Quantum cutting downconversion phosphors based on oxides for solar cell applicationLau, Mei Kwan
2003Quantum packet for integrated services data network : the third generation ISDNLam, Ray Ying-wai
2017Rapid detection of pesticides in honey and juice by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry based on functionalized solid substratesChoi, Yi-ching
2012Rapid differentiation of herbal medicines by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometryLai, Ying Han
2002Rapid jewelry design and prototype makingYoung, Yuk-yu
2021Rare earth-doped perovskite-structured oxides with strong elastico-mechanoluminescenceLi, Yin
2005Real-time face recognition with live detectionWan, Kwok-wai
2003Real-time feedback control mechanism on packet switching networkYam, Kam-tai
2022Real-time occlusion-aware human pose estimation for home scoliosis rehabilitationPan, Jun
2010Reconstruction of super-resolution image from low-resolution images using adaptive Wiener filteringZhang, Xiang
2000Recovery of bioplastics from activated sludge wastewater treatment processMa, Chi-keung
2014Recyclable nanosorbents for water and wastewater treatment using vibratory shearing enhanced process (V-SEP) membrane filtration systemFan, Chi Ho
2024Recycled label design and green competitionZhang, Xiaoli
1998Reflected long head biceps tendon grafting : a biomechanical study on a new technique in reconstruction of paralyzed shoulder secondary to brachial plexus injuryTang, Chun-yuen