Browsing by Degree > M.Phil.

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Showing results 1542 to 1561 of 1569 < previous   next >
2023Water harvesting by hierarchical surfaceWong, Hok Yin
2018Water purification using photocatalysis, ozonation and ultraviolet disinfectionTsoi, Chi Chung
2013Wavelength division multiplexed passive optical networksDong, Tian
2000A wavelet based adaptive gridding algorithm for the finite difference time domain methodSun, Man-kin
2005Waves and oscillation in vortex ringsHuang, Jun
2007Web crippling behaviour in cold-formed steel profiled deckings under lateral concentrated loadsTse, Wai-tak
2002WebPADS : a Web proxy for actively deployable servicesChuang, Siu-nam
2021What do firms’ price sensitivity to credit market sentiment tell us about them?Li, Yani
2012What you see may not be entirely negative : an impression management approach to job insecurity and its consequencesZhao, Hailin
2003Will shareholding reform improve the performance of banks in China?Zhang, Sisi
2021Withdrawal of management earnings guidance during the COVID-19 pandemicAaron, Aurelius
2002Women's participation in community-based grassroots organizations : oppression or liberation?Yu, Fung-ying
2010Word order and subjectivity in CantoneseWong, Cheuk-lam Cherie
1999Work exposure and cumulative trauma disorders among visual display terminal (VDT) users in Hong KongSiu, Zoe Kin-fun
1998Work profile and functional capacity for formwork carpenters in Hong KongLee, Ka-lai Gloria
1999A workflow automation tool for ISO 9000 compliant quality management with applications in software developmentYan, Ching-ying
2004Xstream : a framework for efficient streaming of XML documents over wireless environmentWong, Yu-chun Eugene
2010临床评估桂蜡热敷穴位对糖尿病周围神经病变患者的效果Chen, Peiyi
2015學術與政治之間 : 徐復觀與錢穆的合與分Zhang, Fanjing; 張璠璟
2022宗藩体系下李鸿章的朝鲜策略(1870—1895年)党思敏; Dang, Simin