Browsing by Department > Department of Applied Physics

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Showing results 96 to 115 of 406 < previous   next >
2007Fabrication and optical characterization of epitaxial strontium barium niobate films for waveguide applicationsLang, Zhong
2014Fabrication of carbon nano-dots and their optical propertiesZhang, Wenfei
2014Fabrication of CZTS and ZnO nano-rods for solar cell applicationChan, Heung Tang
2012Fabrication of flexible electrodes for photovoltaic applicationsWong, Chiu Po
2002Fabrication of MnO and CoO films using pulsed laser deposition techniqueLam, Ping-shun
2000Fabrication of nitride and oxide films using pulsed laser deposition techniqueChan, Hon-kit Robin
2008Fabrication of single crystal based phased array medical imaging ultrasonic transducersLi, Heng
2017A facile electrochemical method to synthesize nickel composites for high-performance energy storageLiu, Yan
2021Fano resonance in picosecond ultrasonicsLai, Kwan To
2019Fast, broadband and self-driven photodetectors based on Pt or Pd-TMDsZeng, Longhui
2005Ferroelectric domain study by piezoresponse force microscopyZhao, Xin
2020Ferroelectric oxides with high piezoelectricity and low band gap for solar energy harvesting applicationsChan, Man Kit
2018Ferroelectric relaxor ceramics with tunable photoluminescence propertiesSun, Hailing
2018Ferroelectric resistive switching for non-volatile memory applicationYau, Hei Man
2008Ferromagnetic metal-polymer nanocomposites for magnetic sensing applicationsKwong, Ho-yin Anthony
2012Ferromagnetism in carbon-doped ZnO thin films and nanostructuresWei, Changsong
2014First principles calculation of LaAlO₃/SrTiO₃interfacial transport propertiesLo, Wing Chong
2016Flexible all-solid-state supercapacitors for self-powered nanosystemsJin, Huanyu
2000Fluoropolymer thin film dip coating thickness measurement and controlIp, Yan-sang George
2013Functional thin-film transistors based on hybrid materialsSun, Zhenhua