Browsing by Department > Department of Applied Physics

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Showing results 20 to 39 of 403 < previous   next >
2010B-site cation mixed multiferroic perovskite materialsSuen, Wai-ping
1999BaPbO3/PE composite for PTCR applicationsYue, I-hung Raymond
2009Barium Strontium Titanate ferroelectric tunable photonic and phononic crystalsJim, Kwok-lung
2006Barium strontium titanate thin films for electro-optic applicationsWang, Danyang
2008Barium zirconate titanate thin films for tunable microwave applicationsYun, Pan
2022Boosting zinc metal anodes performance via interface engineering : reaction kinetics, morphology control and electrochemical reversibilityHou, Zhen
2017Broadband plasmonic absorbers for sunlight photocatalysisTan, Furui
2009Capacitance effect on spin-torque oscillators with thermal fluctuationGuan, Bo
1998Carbon implanted titanium nitride filmChan, Wai-keung
2021Carbon materials for advanced potassium-based batteries : mechanism exploration and performance optimizationTan, Hong
2019Characterization of 2D heterostructuresChan, Ka Ho
2000Characterization of a short carbon fiber reinforced new modified bismaleimide composite with special reference to bearing applicationGu, Chin
1998Characterization of new glass fibre reinforced modified bismaleimide compositesNg, Yeung-fat
2012Chemical and biological sensors based on organic electrochemical transistorsLin, Peng
2011Chemical synthesis and characterization of bismuth ferrite nanostructuresFei, Linfeng
2022Chiral anomaly-based transistors for low-dissipation computingChen, Jiewei
2019Co-precipitation synthesis of lanthanide-doped nanoparticles for sensing applicationsWong, Yuen Ting
2022Computational and theoretical studies on structural glasses based on void-induced particle hopping motionsLee, Chun Shing
2000Computer simulation and statistical characterisation of the microstructure of hard-sphere-filled composite materialsChau, Kwong-ming
2000Computer studies on the effective dielectric constant of hard-sphere-filled composite materialsYau, Yuk-kwan