Browsing by Department > Department of Applied Physics

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Showing results 173 to 192 of 406 < previous   next >
2009Magnetic and electrical properties of transition-metal-doped oxide thin filmsLam, Ching-yee
2016Magnetic-field induced luminescence via strain-mediated couplingWong, Man Chung
2023Magnetism and spin transport in heavy metal/ferrimagnetic insulator multilayersLiang, Jingming
2013Magnetoelectric effect as a function of lattice coupling and microstructure in ferroelectric/magnetostrictive compositesSun, Li
2005Magnetotransport properties in ferromagnetic metal-polymer granular filmsLau, Wing-yin
2021Manipulation of optical coupling between plasmonic nanocavities and 2D excitonsLo, Tsz Wing
1998Measurement of the velocity of laser induced acoustic wave in film using a fiber optic sensorChau, Yuk-chuen
1999Measurements of thermal conductivity of thin films on substrates using photothermal deflection spectroscopyTam, Ka-lun
2020Mechanical energy harvesting and conversion based on utilization of luminescence materials and triboelectric nanogeneratorWong, Man Chung
2001Mechanical properties of dual ion beam deposited silicon nitride filmsTsang, Mei-po Mable
2009Metal nanocluster for application in floating gate memory devicesChan, Ka-cheung
2009Metallization of engineering plasticsNg, Ching-shan
2024Microfluidic droplet arrays for high-throughput screening of microalgaeTsoi, Chi Chung
2019Microfluidic plasmonic packed-bed reactor (μPPBR) for photocatalytic water purificationYeung, Pui Hong
2019Microfluidic reactors for artificial photosynthesis of carbohydrates using Calvin cycleZhu, Yujiao
2017Microfluidics-based artificial photosynthesis for coenzyme regenerationHuang, Xiaowen
2005Microscopy studies of the interfacial properties of wire bonds for wirebonding optimizationWong, Chi-lun
2003Microwave properties of barium strontium titanate thin filmsCheng, Yin-lai
2013MnO₂-based nanomaterials for energy conversion and storage applicationsCao, Feng
2012Modeling the dielectric behaviors of perovskites : ferroelectrics and incipient ferroelectricsDeng, Haiyao