Browsing by Department > Department of Applied Physics

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Showing results 257 to 276 of 406 < previous   next >
2024Quantitative electron diffraction and spectroscopy and their application on polymers and 2D materialsChen, Changsheng
2012Quantum cutting downconversion phosphors based on oxides for solar cell applicationLau, Mei Kwan
2009Raman and optical characterization of tungsten bronze niobates thin films and nanocrystalsLiu, Wenchao
2021Rare earth-doped perovskite-structured oxides with strong elastico-mechanoluminescenceLi, Yin
2015Rare-earth-doped KNN-based ceramics for photoluminescent and electro-optic applicationsWu, Xiao
2015Rational design and engineering of TiO₂ nanotube photonic crystal for dye-sensitized solar cellsGuo, Min
2018Research on structure-property relationships of micro-architectured metamaterialsYong, Zehui
2010Resistive switching behaviour in oxide thin films and devicesLau, Hon-kit
2013Resonant optical tunneling effect for refractive index sensor applicationsJian, Aoqun
2021Robust room-temperature ferroelectric ultrathin chalcogenide layers and van der Waals heterostructuresIo, Weng Fu
2020Scanning near-field optical microscopy study of PtSe₂ flakesWong, Kin Ping
2024Scanning transmission electron microscopy image atomic position detection by using deep learningYan, Zhangyuan
2005Semiconducting properties of oxide thin films prepared by pulsed laser depositionLam, Ching-yee
2009Sensors based on organic thin film transistorsMok, Sheung-man
2000Sensors for ultrasonic bonding process controlChiu, Siu-san
2007Silver-loaded titania nanocomposite for antimicrobial applicationCheung, Sing-wai
2014Simulation and characterization of semiconductor GaAs compatible ferroelectric devices for monolithic integration technologyMak, Kwong Wai
2007Simulation of electromechanical properties in ferroelectric thin filmsChung, Wing-yee Winnie
2009Simulation of low frequency electromechanical responses of ferroelectric ceramicChow, Ching-kin Simon
2000Single particle Monte Carlo simulation of carrier motion in semiconductorTang, Tim