Browsing by Department > Department of Biomedical Engineering

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Showing results 71 to 90 of 108 < previous   next >
2024MXene and polydopamine-based multifunctional nanocomposites for cancer therapy and biosensingWu, Honglian
2024Nanobubble-assisted ultrasound theragnostics in cellular immunotherapy for cancersJiang, Yizhou
2023Nanomaterial-based exosome detection and engineered exosome-nanomaterial complex for combinatorial cancer immunotherapyZhang, Ruolin
2020Nature-inspired microfluidics network for organ-on-a-chip applicationMao, Mao
2020Neuromodulatory effects of ultrasound stimulation on cervical cord injured ratsAhmed, Rakib Uddin
2023Neuromuscular networking connectivity in sensorimotor impairments after strokeZhou, Sa
2022Non-neuronal and non-enzymatic role of acetylcholinesterase in bone remodeling and disorderLuo, Xiaohe
2023Noninvasive diagnosis and treatment of in situ early-stage cancers assisted by biomimetic nanoplatformsHuang, Xiazi
2024A novel 3D transcranial color doppler system : towards stroke risk assessmentLi, Shuai
2024Novel intravascular ultrasound transducersSu, Min
2019Oxygen transport in the arterial vasculature of the residual limb after trans-femoral amputationYan, Fei
2023Pathological biomarker detection via SERS based sensing platformHo, Kwun Hei Willis
2021Peripheral muscle fatigue revealed by near-infrared spectroscopy and surface electromyographyTan, Qitao
2024Photocrosslinkable poly(propylene glycol-co-lactide) dimethacrylate-based microneedle patch for scarless wound healing of soft tissuesLyu, Shang
2017A precipitation-based universal detection platform for DNA amplification reaction using bovine serum albumin-modified gold nanoparticles and reduced graphene oxideWang, Shiyao
2024Preparation of exosome/quantum dots-based drug nanocarriersWang, Qingzhuo
2023Prevalence and associated factors of flat foot among 6 to 16 aged Chinese children and adolescents : a cross-sectional studyLeung, Ka Wing
2019The protective role of PINK1/Parkin-mediated mitophagy in sonodynamic therapyHuang, Yongmin
2018Quantitative analysis of hemodynamic state and muscle atrophy of residual limb after trans-femoral amputationDong, Ruiqi
2021Red emissive carbon dots-based nanocomposites for multimodality imaging-guided synergistic phototherapyFan, Yadi