Browsing by Department > Department of Building and Real Estate

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Showing results 187 to 206 of 418 < previous   next >
1999The impact of site supervision plan system to the Hong Kong building industryDing, Choi-hing Donald
2001Impact of subcontracting system on quality of building projects in the Hong Kong construction industryLai, Ming-yan
2005The impact of subordinates' professionalism on leadership effectiveness in the construction industryChan, Tak-shing Antony
2021Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on construction sites : (a case study of Lagos State, Nigeria)Akindele, Nelson Ayodeji
2017The impacts of BIM implementation on construction project productivity : experiences from ChinaZhou, Xin
2021Impacts of the built environment on travel behavior in urban villages : a case study of Shenzhen, ChinaYu, Le
2016Implementation of codes of ethics within construction organizations in Hong Kong : towards an improved ethical behaviourOladinrin, Olugbenga Timo
2019Implementation of transnational public private partnerships : key issues and development of a model to achieve project excellenceYu, Yao
2024Implementation strategy and guidelines for net zero carbon building in an emerging economyOhene, Eric
2012Implications of Hong Kong's experience for low-rent housing development in GuangzhouTeng, Xuejiao
2015Improving construction safety performance based on the application of the Helmets Use Supervision System (HUSS)Huang, Shuyi
2021Improving the long-term use of case-based reasoning model in early construction cost estimationXiao, Xue
2019Improving the safety communication of ethnic minority workers in the construction industryLyu, Sainan
2011Incentive structure and market performance : institutional analysis of governments' roles affecting land and housing prices in ChinaLi, Jing
2024Industry 4.0 in China : the interplay of innovation, employment, and housing dynamicsPeng, Huiwen
2002Information flow within contractor organisationChan, Chi-hang Andrew
2009An insight into heuristic approach to building strategyTang, Lai Yee Sandy
2005Institutional analysis of land use policies in China under the transition economy : with reference to rural to urban land conversion in GuangzhouLi, Yong
2022Institutional arrangement analysis for the corporatism evolution of village-level industrial parks in Shunde, ChinaChen, Jian
2023Institutional designs and environmental governanceFan, Kwok Yuen