Browsing by Department > Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

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Showing results 231 to 250 of 417 < previous   next >
2015Modelling activity and travel choice behaviour : a network equilibrium approachFu, Xiao
2020Modelling and forecasting algal blooms growth in Tolo Harbour by using neural network model and support vector machineDeng, Tianan
2014Modelling individual and household activity : travel scheduling behaviours in stochastic transportation networksXiong, Yiliang
2015A modelling study of multiphase chemistry in cloud droplets and deliquescent particles in ChinaGuo, Jia
2022Monitoring and assessment of construction-induced vibration impact on surroundingsWang, Shiguang
2022Monotonic and cyclic behaviour of beams and beam-columns using cold-formed hollow steel sections with moderate heat-treatmentPannuzzo, Paola
2022Multi-fidelity modelling based on adaptive sparse polynomial chaos expansion for bridge damage identificationZhang, Beiyang
2020Multi-rate data fusion for dynamic displacement of super tall structures using acceleration and GPS dataXu, Peishan
2012Multi-scale modelling of long-span bridges for health assessment in structural health monitoringYu, Yang
2015Multi-scale structure damage detection using wavelet finite element methodHe, Wenyu
2013Multi-sensing and multi-scale monitoring of long-span suspension bridgesZhang, Xiao-hua
2018Multiclass multilane traffic models and integrated optimal control strategies for freewaysPan, Tianlu
2014Multiple surface cracks coalescence mechanism in graniteYin, Peng
2023Multiscale characterization and modeling of the viscoelastic tension-compression asymmetry of asphalt concreteTan, Zhifei
2023Multiscale evaluation of thermal environment in Hong Kong and strategies for improving urban thermal environment and walkabilityJia, Siqi
2024Multiscale investigation on the aging and recycling mechanisms of asphalt rubber pavementLi, Danning
2019Multiscale modeling of asphalt materials' complex moduli based on steady-state dynamic methodLi, Gaoyang
2016New and effective methods for production of cement-based photocatalytic materialsGuo, Mingzhi
2022Non-seismically designed reinforced concrete beam-column joints strengthened by unsymmetrical chamfersXue, Zhihang
2024Nonlinear evolution of ocean extreme waves over varying bathymetriesWu, Qian