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Showing results 811 to 830 of 1069 < previous   next >
2014QoS-based web service optimization in cloud computing environmentHe, Jianwen
2006Quality assurance framework of hospital information system developmentLiang, Xingyuan
2015Quality of services and user experience in wireless vehicular internet accessZhang, Chisheng
2015Quantitative spare parts modelling for supply chain managementZhou, Dapeng
2003Quantum packet for integrated services data network : the third generation ISDNLam, Ray Ying-wai
2001Querying XML documents with a multidimensional indexLam, Lap-yan
2001Quiz Markup Language (QuizML)Leung, Chi-kuen
2011Range-free and range-based localization of wireless sensor networksXiao, Qingjun
2009Re-examining the best practices of service-learning in mainland China's higher vocational collegeLu, Yuanrong
2023Re-fingerprinting RFIDs with augmented unclonabilityPan, Qingrui
1996Reaching and audit opinion : an expert system approachYu, Shi-kuen Charles
2019Read-modify-write optimization for shingled magnetic recording storage systemsMa, Chenlin
2024Reading, writing, and refining for text summarizationSun, Shichao
2013Real-time and robust visual trackingZhang, Kaihua
2020Real-time calculus : revisit and improvementTang, Yue
2020Real-time data visualization system of television big dataWang, Cong
2022Real-time occlusion-aware human pose estimation for home scoliosis rehabilitationPan, Jun
1997Reengineering the finance function with the socio-technical approach : a case study in fashion retailing chainChan, Oi-man
1997Reengineering the treasury management : a case study in the Hong Kong Housing AuthorityHui, Wai-yee Wendy
2012Regularized robust coding and dictionary learning for face recognitionYang, Meng