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Showing results 855 to 874 of 1070 < previous   next >
1994Satisfaction, utilization and effectiveness of end user computing in a multi-division organizationChak, Kin-chung Tony
2014A scalable and flexible correlated data storage framework based on heterogeneous graphZhou, You
2000Scalable multicast routing : protocol design and performance evaluationCheng, Y. Y. Filli
2000Scalable secure multicast using extended IGMPChiu, Wai-ming Desmond
2014Scalable service composition and reconfiguration in pervasive computing environmentsSiebert, Joanna Izabela
2014Scalable topic-based affinity propagation implementationWong, Man Yung
2003Search engine selection with hierarchical categorizationShiu, Koon-hang
2018Secure fast handoff in IEEE 802.11-based wireless mesh networksYao, Gang
2010A secure fast handoff protocol for inter-WLAN roaming in 3G-WLAN interworking networksChen, Haitao
2012Secure routing in multi-hop wireless networksZhou, Jie
2004Secure Web services in e-tendering processTam, Siu-pik
2021Security and privacy in vehicular ad-hoc networksLi, Kang
2021Security threats and countermeasures of LoRa physical layerHou, Ningning
2019Segmentation of highly corrupted medical imagesDougherty, Alan William
2019Self-driven learning for large-scale object detectionWang, Keze
2001A self-paced, adaptive web-based coursewareChan, Yiu-cho Steven
2001Sender-adaptive rate control for layered video multicastLau, Chi-wai
2015A service model development for university education : a case study at Xidian UniversityHe, Hua
2009A service-oriented architecture based logistics and supply chain management information systemsChen, Ji
2008Shortening IT servicing time with process improvementTang, Wenge