Browsing by Department > Department of Electrical Engineering

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Showing results 146 to 165 of 333 < previous   next >
1999H[8] based damping controller for HVDC system with parallel AC transmissionChoi, Man-keung
1994Harmonics studies in 25KV traction power supply system of KCRLi, Kang-kuen
2006Hierarchical real-time train control in DC metro systemsWong, Kwok-kam
2004High impedance fault identification using FIR filters, wavelet transforms and computational intelligenceLai, Tsz-ming Terence
2005High performance computation for flux and speed estimation of vector controlled adjustable-speed drivesWang, Zhengshi
2022High sensitivity spectroscopic gas sensing with hollow-core optical fibersZhao, Yan
2006Highly birefringent photonic crystal fibers and sensorsJu, Jian
2007Holdup time improvement methods for DC-DC switching mode power suppliesNg, Weng-fai
1999Home automation system via optical fiberKwong, Kam-wai
2000Hybrid network reduction and artificial neural network based approaches in fast voltage stability analysisFu, Ying
1998Identification of boiler using artificial neural networkMo, Kwok-wai Edmond
2006Implementation and study of FACTS devices in digital real-time simulatorSze, Kin-man
2015Improved Newton-Raphson method for power flow solutionShao, Puguang
2018Improving balance and gait using biomechanical and electronic approachesMa, Zonghao
2021In situ mechanical and electrical testing of piezoresistive nanomaterialsRan, Sijia
1995In-depth investigation of conventional power system stabilizer (PSS) design by modal analysisYim, Wai-hung
2020Innovative control of bidirectional converters with wide load range in microgrid applicationXu, Wenzheng
2001Integrated resources planning incorporated with sustainable renewable energy sources and illustrative case study in Hong KongPang, Ching-fung
2001An intelligent alarm system for fault diagnosis of a steam-powered generating unitLee, Chun-leung
2001Intelligent control for an induction motorShi, Keli